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Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec

from the pages of EGM and Expert Gamer

Driving Techniques

The key to any hot lap isn't horsepower. Granted, that's a large part of going fast, but all the horsepower in the world won't do you a lick of good if you can't keep the wheels on the asphalt. In no game is that more important than Gran Turismo 3 ? they don't call it "The Real Driving Simulator" for nothin'. Keeping that in mind, we're gonna go over a few basic cornering techniques right now, so everyone pay attention. We'll also outline some of the finer nuances of driving different types of cars and how you should be upgrading them. Everyone ready? Let's begin.

Basic Cornering
Proper CorneringOK, the license tests will really teach you all this stuff, but considering good cornering is the key to going fast in Gran Turismo 3, let's go over it once more. The proper way to take most turns in GT3 is to hit the apex in the center of each curve (check out the red tine on the diagram). As you approach, stay to the outside of the track and apply the brakes (remember what we learned about weight transfer?). Now turn the car and aim for the inside of the turn, and basically try to clip it with the corresponding side of your car. Now aim for the outside retaining wall and accelerate. You just took a turn as fast as possible.
On particularly tight turns you want to take a late apex. That means as you approach the turn don't touch the wheel, just slow way down. Now cut the wheel hard and don't stand on the accelerator until you can almost see the exit of the turn (check out the blue tine on the chart to the left).

Sure, you know you need to use the brake in Gran Turismo 3, but do you understand why? When a car accelerates the weight shifts from the center to the rear of the vehicle, weakening the traction of the front tires?that doesn't bode well, since you steer the car with those wheels. To correct this, you need to brake in order to transfer at[ that weight to the front wheels before you turn, thus creating more "bite" in those tires and making the turn easier. You'll notice as you start to accelerate again that the nose of your car will start to slide, or "push," toward the outside of the turn again. When you understand this basic principle, Gran Turismo 3 becomes a lot easier.

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