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Arm Men: Sarge's Heroes

From the main menu, access the Input Code option. On the Input Code screen, enter any one of these codes for the results as shown. 
Every Character in Multiplayer: BTTLN 
Test Info: THDTST 
Behind the Scenes: SFFRMV

Cheat Codes

From the main menu, access the options screen, then select "Codes." On the "Cheat Codes" screen, type in your password as one of these shown below. 
Be the Ball: betheball 
Giant Heads: heliumbrain 
Weird Commentary: whatamisaying 
Taunt After Shot is Made: sohappy

NBA, Hoopz
Numerous Codes

On the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, enter these codes with the Turbo, Shoot and Pass buttons the number of times shown, and then press the D-pad in the direction indicated by the code (for 4-3-2 Up, you would press Turbo four times, Shoot three times, Pass two times and then press Up). 
Show Shot Percentage: 0-1-1 
Down Beach Court: 0-2-3 
Left Show Hotspot: 1-1-0 
Down No Fouls (2P must agree): 2-2-2 
Right Away Uniform: 0-2-4 
Right No Hotspots (2P must agree): 3-0-1
Big Heads: 3-0-0 Right 
Tiny Heads: 3-3-0 Left 
Infinite Turbo: 3-1-2 Up 
Street Court: 3-2-0 Left 
Home Uniform: 0-1-4 Right 
ABA Ball: 1-1-1 Right 
Tiny Players: 5-4-3 Left 
Granny Shots: 1-2-1 Left 
No Goaltending: 4-4-4 Left

Ready 2 Rumble: Round 2
Unlock all Boxers

From the main menu, choose Arcade Mode. Then select one or two players. On the boxer select screen, press Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, R-Trigger, R-Trigger, R-Trigger, R-Trigger, R­Trigger, L-Trigger. A bell will sound and all the characters will now be available.

Unreal Tournament

From the main menu, choose Tournament. Begin a new game. Choose your name, skill level and skin. Then begin the Deathmatch. On the match select screen, choose Oblivion. In the middle of the game, press START to pause. Then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left. The game wilt take you back to the match select screen, and the next level will be open to play. Do this trick multiple times to open up every level and new ladders along the way.

PlayStation and PlayStation 2


On the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, enter these codes with the Turbo, Shoot and Pass buttons the number of times shown, and then press the D-pad in the direction indicated by the code (For 4‑3‑2 Up, YOU would press Turbo four times, Shoot three times, Pass two times and then press Up).
Show Shot Percentage: 0-1-1 Down
Beach Court: 0-2-3 Left 
Show Hotspot: 1-1-0 Down 
No Fouls (2P must agree): 2-2-2 Right 
Away Uniform: 0-2-4 Right
No Hotspots (2P must agree): 3-0-1 UP 
Big Heads: 3-0-0 Right 
Tiny Heads: 3-3-0 Left 
Infinite Turbo: 3-1-2 Up 
Street Court: 3-2-0 Left 
Home Uniform: 0-1-4 Right 
Tiny Players: 5-4-3 Left 
Granny Shots: 1-2-1 Left 
No Goaltending: 4-4-4 Left


In the middle of the game, press the SELECT button. Move down and highlight the "Help" option. Now press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square. This is the first part of the codes shown below. After entering this part first, put in the rest of the codes as shown below for these results. (Note: The L3 and R3 commands are performed by pressing in left analog stick for L3 and pressing in the right analog stick for R3) 
Stronger Hits R3, L3, Circle, Square 
Get Big R3,Square, Circle, L3 
One Hit Kill L3, R3, Circle, Square 
All Ammo and Hypo Circle, Circle, Circle, R3 
Infinite Ammo L2, L2, L1, L3. 
Invisibility L1, R3, L2, L3

Star Wars: Starfighter (PS2)

On the main menu, access the Options. From the Options, access Code Setup. Now enter the following passwords to unlock each cheat as shown.
Unlock All Levels Put in OVERSEER for the password. This will give you everything except the bonus multiplayer missions. 
Bonus Multiplayer Missions: ANDREW 
Secret Ship for Bonus Missions: BLUESNF
Disable Cockpit Display: NOHUD 
Ship and Cast Pics: HEROES 
Pre-production Art: PLANETS
Pictures of Simon: SIMON
Development Team Pics: TEAM
View Credits: CREDITS 

Nintendo 64

Conker's Bad Fur Day

From the main menu (where you can choose chapters, options, etc.), access the options screen. Move down and select "Cheats." On the "Cheats" screen, put in any of these passwords for the results as shown.
Play as Weasel Henchman in Multi Games: CHINDITVICTORY (Deathmatch and Race games.)
Play as the Cavemen in Multi Games: EATBOX (Deathmatch and Race games.)
Play as Villager and Zombies in Multi Games: BEEFCURTAINS (Deathmatch and Race games.)
Play as Sergeant and Tedi Leader in Multi Games: RUSTYSHERIFFSBADGE (Deathmatch and Race games.)
Play as Grim Reaper and Skeleton in Multi Games: BILLYMILLROUNDABOUT (Deathmatch and Race games.)
Play as Conker in Multi Games: WELLYTOP (Deathmatch and Race games.)
Play as Neo Conker in Multi Games: EASTEREGGSRUS (Deathmatch and Race games.)
Decapitation Effect in Deathmatch: SPUNKJOCKEY (In the Multi Deathmatch (skull icon) game, choose a one-player game.
When you have a sword or chainsaw, hit an opponent. Some of the time you will get a cool rotation effect with the decapitation, but it is random.) 
Open It's War Chapter: BEELZEBUBSBUM 
Open Spooky Chapter: SPANIELSEARS 
Open Uga Buga Chapter: MONKEYSCHIN 
Open Sloprano Chapter: ANCHOVYBAY 
Open Bats Tower Chapter: CLAMPIRATE 
Open Barn Boys Chapter: PRINCEALBERT 
Open All Chapters and Scenes: WELDERSBENCH

Backstage Assault

NO DAMAGE on the main menu screen, press R-Shift, R-Shift, B, R-Shift, R-Shift, B. When you begin a one-player game, your wrestler will not take any damage from the CPU opponent.


Game Boy Color Codes

Army Men: Air Combat

On the main menu, press Down until the Password option appears. Now put in the following symbols to access these levels. Mission 2: Box, Cross Medal, Box, Box
Mission 3: Bullet, Bullet, Bullet, Cross Medal
Mission 4: Stripes, Bullet, Box,
Mission 5: Cross Medal, Stripes, Cross Medal, Bullet
Mission 6: Helmet, Bullet, Stripes, Helmet
Mission 7: Box, Cross Medal, Bullet, Cross Medal
Mission 8: Bullet, Stripes, Cross Medal, Helmet
Mission 9: Stripes, Stripes, Bullet, Bullet
Mission 10: Cross Medal, Helmet, Cross Medal, Helmet
Mission 11: Helmet, Stripes, Cross Medal, Helmet
Mission 12: Box, Cross Medal, Stripes, Stripes
Mission 13: Bullet, Cross Medal, Helmet, Helmet
Mission 14: Stripes, Cross Medal, Box, Stripes
Mission 15: Cross Medal, Box, Stripes, Helmet
Mission 16: Helmet, Cross Medal, Bullet, Stripes 

Star Wars Episode 1:
Obi Wan's Adventures

0n the main menu screen, access the Password option. On the Password screen, enter any of the codes listed to go to that level.
Stage 2 - The Trade Federation Landing Craft: BQVQK
Stage 3 - The Naboo Swamp: WNLRM
Stage 4 - Naboo Swamp & Sacred Place: SDGNK
Stage 5 - Coruscant: CNLML
Stage 6 - The Catacombs of Theed: BXGTG
Stage 7 - The Streets of Theed: QSRVJ
Stage 8 - Queen Amidala's Palace: TKGJZ
Stage 9 - The Final Battle: LPZCP


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